Mityana Certificate of Appreciation

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On September 19th of 2019 The Hope Center Uganda was given appreciation for helping orphaned and vulnerable children in the Mityana area. This certificate of appreciation shows the impact that The Hope Center has on the area. The Mityana District Local Government showed it’s appreciation because it is undeniable the effect that our orphanage creates.

In a country full of complex poverty and great need, there are large amounts of children that are left alone or unable to be cared for by loved ones. This certificate is proof that there are some children given hope because of our orphanage. Although we have more growth and expansion needed, our staff, our task force, and supporters are all committed to giving more children hope as we grow!

Through prayer, financial support, and volunteering The Hope Center Uganda continues to be a beacon of God’s love and light in the Mityana District. We have the unique opportunity for our Social Worker to work directly with the Mityana Police to locate more children in great need. Our prayer is that God would use The Hope Center Uganda to spread his love and truth to these children that need HOPE!

In Jesus name,

The Hope Center Uganda Task Force


Journey With Us

